There are four reasons as to why these rare and beautiful pearls can grow to such large sizes, often dwarfing many of their other saltwater pearl counterparts:
1.The large size of the Pinctada maxima (South Sea pearl oyster) and the Pinctada margaritifera (Tahitian pearl oysters). The reproductive organs of the oysters are several times larger than that of the Akoya and other sea-pearl producing oysters. Because of their size, the South Sea oyster deposits nacre around the nucleus at a much quicker rate, especially in warm water, which speeds up the oyster’s metabolism.
2.The size of the implanted bead – due to the size of the oyster, it can accept a larger bead.
3.The length of time the pearl is left to grow in the oyster is typically a year longer than other sea-pearl oysters.
4.The oyster’s environment: The South Seas and Polynesian oceans are extremely clean and filled with plankton – the favourite food source of the oysters. The clean waters and abundant food supply also speeds up the nacre production.